Alcami Supercharged Morning Snack yogurt/kefir

Alcami Supercharged Morning Snack yogurt/kefir

Alcami Supercharged Morning Snack yogurt/kefir


1 cup kefir or Greek yogurt

1 tablespoon Alcami

1 tablespoon of bee pollen 1 tablespoon of honey

Optional: 1 scoop collagen, colostrum, or grass-fed protein powder

Handful of your favorite nuts (e.g., almonds, walnuts, or cashews)




In a bowl, add the kefir or Greek yogurt as the base of your morning snack.

Drizzle the Alcami bee pollen honey over the yogurt for a sweet and nourishing touch.

For an extra boost of protein and gut-healing benefits, add a scoop of collagen, colostrum, or grass-fed protein powder to the bowl.

Sprinkle a handful of your favorite nuts over the top to add texture, flavor, and additional nutrients.

Mix everything together gently to ensure all ingredients are well combined.

Enjoy your Alcami Supercharged Morning Snack as a protein-packed, probiotic-rich treat that fuels your body and calms your mind, courtesy of the incredible benefits of Alcami